Early Aura photography was done by placing photographic film in the presence of low amperage sinusoidal electromagnetic fields in contact with living objects. The process is known as Kirlian Photography. 

There are also remote ways to view the interaction of light with the environment and its inhabitants. John Catchpole developed a way to color code specific energetic frequencies in a digital photograph. This acute view of color gradients reveals a world of insight in a process called: Polycontrast Interface Photography. 

Macroscope is an exploration of Volumetric Photogrammetry  & OldFields PIP system.

Together with NeuroScientist, Healers and Mathematical Physicist we will discover the meaning of these Subtle Body Contours. 

Employing Differential Geometry, Topology, Scalar Physics, MetaPhysics & Alchemy we will create a unified theory of Qi, Prana, Orgone & Visceralectrics. 

Together we will create a internationally unified language for Energy Workers.